2024 Delegates

Pricing At-A-Glance

The value of meeting in-person

Regardless of how many technological options are available to gather information, in person meetings are still the most effective way to engage participants, stimulate conversation, and initiate collaboration.  Only in person can we build trust, gain understanding and share ideas that will not only shape the future of the parking industry, but also our own operations.   If we don’t continue to nurture strong and positive personal relationships between suppliers, clients and colleagues, we won’t build trust, understanding, or a sense of a shared mission – all of which are critical elements to sustaining the parking industry.

At CPA conferences we build successful partnerships, share innovative ideas and examine trends, products and resources.  The trade show is the best place to learn about innovation that is replacing old technologies and practices, and the educational sessions bring insight to specific topics, trends and case studies.

Network with hundreds of people from the Canadian parking and mobility industry under one roof.  CPA conference attendees share a wealth of knowledge and experiences and take time to have some fun over the course of the event.