Virtual Meetings
Virtual Meetings
Stay Connected to the Parking Industry in Canada
Stay connected and informed as we navigate the evolving landscape of the parking industry. These virtual events provide a platform to explore emerging trends, innovative technologies, and new opportunities, ensuring you stay ahead in a rapidly changing environment.
Footway Robots and Business Improvement Areas
Presenter: Bern Grush, Harmonize Mobility Inc., Toronto
Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 1:00 PM
It is expected that in some places, at certain times, and for some purposes, service robots will be permitted to operate on public sidewalks, pathways, bicycle paths and roadways. This discussion advocates neither for nor against these machines, rather it examines how the economic appeal they promise can be maximized and how the urban risks can be mitigated.
Innovation is Driving Stall-Based Occupancy Monitoring
Presenter: Dan Mathers, CEO & President, eleven-x
Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 1:00 PM
In the journey to arriving at true smart parking, stall-based occupancy data (and specifically real-time stall data) will be the key element that determines the quality of solutions and whether they deliver the value and promise they hold. While there are a myriad of technologies claiming to provide the right data, in the long run it is widely agreed that sensors provide the best approach in terms of accuracy, cost, integration potential and life cycle. New innovations have advanced sensor technology, while bringing costs down, further enhancing their value proposition. Using the SF Park pilot as a basis, this discussion will cover some of the innovations while connecting the dots as to how, specifically, sensors can improve compliance/enforcement and guidance, support dynamic pricing programs, and easily integrate with other technologies such as payment apps to provide actionable analytics and bring customers closer to true smart parking.
Topic: Preparing for the Re-opening of Business
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Discussion Topics:
- Facility Safety & Sanitation Plans
- Technology & Operations Challenges
- HR Policy Updates: Staff Vaccines; Work from Home; Accommodation
- Can we Return to Business as Usual in 2021?
Opportunities to Sponsors and Present are available
Contact for information.
Sector Roundtable Meetings
You are invited to join the CPA’s virtual roundtable meetings. Take this opportunity to engage with peers from your sector to share information and experiences. Each sector roundtable will be moderated by a member of the CPA Board of Directors and will have a short agenda, with plenty of time to network.