Parker Magazine
With a circulation of 2000, Parker is the first fully-bilingual parking trade magazine in the world. Both online and in print, Parker provides current and relevant information on technical, political, and economic concerns facing the parking industry in Canada.
Media kits for Parker, Conference Program Guide and other publications set out the guidelines for use by advertisers. Use of the official CPA brands and logos may be approved for promotional use by members upon request.
Electronic Newsletters
Subscribe to receive important updates in your inbox such as meeting notices, conference updates, announcements, and other related news and information. Unsubscribe anytime.
Technical Bulletins
The CPA’s technical bulletins have been developed to support key aspects of parking management. Each bulletin has been written for the Canadian Parking Association by industry experts and are the primary reference source exclusively for members.
White Papers
The Canadian Parking Association is your resource for information sharing. You are invited to submit white papers, research and other articles of interest to be included in this area. Email submissions for consideration to
Staying connected and informed
Sharing current information and reference material through regular communication provides members with industry news and updates throughout the year. Members can keep abreast of changes, new innovations, and other news relevant to the parking industry in Canada through a variety of publications that can also be found on the Canadian Parking Association’s web site.