Parking Operations Primer



The Canadian Parking Association’s Parking Operations Primer Training

The Parking Operations Primer (POP) is a training program designed for Parking organizations to assist with orienting new frontline staff and supervisors to the fundamentals of a parking operation.


The Purpose of the Program

The versatile POP training program can be used to introduce recent hires to their new job, as a refresher course for long-term, front-line staff in need of revitalization, and can be used as a tool for training personnel and supervisory level employees new to the parking industry.

Full Program Brochure



Cashiers, attendants, compliance officers, valets, and other front-line parking staff will gain a fundamental understanding of how a parking organization works and how their job fits into the big picture by studying various topics. After the initial company orientation by managers or human resources personnel, the Parking Operations Primer will introduce the student to parking topics such as:

  • Customer Service: who’s, what’s, where’s, when’s, and why’s of service delivery,
  • Customer Care: how to manage difficult, angry, upset, and happy customers,
  • Working in a Cash Environment: cash handling techniques, safety
    and security, accountability,
  • Enforcement/Compliance: do’s and don’ts, ticket issuing basics,
    appeals procedures,
  • Basic Equipment Maintenance: troubleshooting, ‘looking under the hood’,
  • Vehicle Operations: valet parking, stacking vehicles, clearances.

Course content is intended to supplement your company’s policies and procedures with specific parking information.


Customer Service

  • Who is Your Customer?
  • What is Your Product?
  • Providing Excellent Customer Service
  • Parking Professional Attitude
  • Parking Professional Skills
  • Parking Professional Image

Customer Care

  • Customer Characteristics
  • Satisfied Customers
  • Unsatisfied Customers
  • Influencing Others to Change Behavior
  • Complaints

Cash Environment

  • Collecting Revenue
  • Accountability
  • Workplace Environment
  • Cash Handling Techniques
  • Cashier’s Responsibilities
  • Completing the Sale
  • Robbery Prevention


  • What is Compliance?
  • Service to Members
  • Basics of Enforcement
  • The Parking Control Officer
  • Types of Violations
  • Appeals

Maintenance & Troubleshooting

  • Equipment
  • Parking Control Equipment
  • Guidelines when Parking Equipment Fails
  • Facility Maintenance


  • Valet Parking
  • Stacking Vehicles
  • Inoperable Vehicles
  • Clearances
  • Unfit Vehicles


Applicants can be members or non-members of the Canadian Parking Association. To be eligible for the CPA member’s discounted registration fees, the candidate’s parent organization must be either a full or affiliate member in good standing. Membership information is available on the website at If you have questions concerning membership, contact the CPA office. Non-members are invited to join the CPA to be eligible for the discounted rates, or to register for the POP program at the non-member rate. 

Application Process

Apply using the form below. Once your application is approved and payment received, study materials will be issued. A username and password will be generated for access to the CPA online test center. You will receive an authorization email/letter with instructions on how to schedule your test online. If you do not receive the authorization email/letter within two weeks of submitting your application, contact the CPA.

Study Period

Candidates must complete the test within two months of receiving their study materials. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of fees and candidates will have to reapply and pay the fees again.  


Members: $350     Non-Members: $425

 * for more than 10 applications from the same company, a 10% discount will be applied.

The Test 

The POP exam is composed of 45 four-option multiple-choice questions and is administered during a 1.5 hour testing session. A score of 70% or higher is required to pass.

The test is closed book. 

Test Scoring and Reporting 

Test questions are multiple-choice with one correct answer and three incorrect responses (distracters). Your score will be based on the number of questions you answer correctly. There is no penalty for guessing. 

Test results will be reported to the candidate only. If you have passed the test, your score report will indicate a “Pass”. If you have failed the test, your score report will indicate a “Fail”. Numerical scores will not be reported in order to evaluate candidates on a common and consistent scale range. 

On-line Testing 

A test site must be arranged by the applicant and/ or their supervisor. For online tests, a computer and internet connection are required.   

Scheduling Your Test Date 

Your authorization email/letter will provide you with information on how to schedule your test. You must schedule your test within 2 MONTHS from the date you receive your study materials. 

Multiple Registrations

Supervisors who register on behalf of their staff members (or for multiple applicants) are responsible for scheduling tests within the prescribed time frame. 

Reproduction of Materials 

Copying, reproducing or taking any action to reveal the contents of a test in whole or in part is prohibited by property and copyrights.

Refund Policy 

Requests for withdrawal must be made in writing and must be received prior to CPA releasing the study materials. There is a CDN $100 non-refundable administrative fee for withdrawal. Cancellation of applications after the materials have been issued will result in forfeiture of the entire application fee.

Refunds are not granted to candidates who have written and failed the test, or who have failed to test within the two-month window.


Applications are not transferable except when a candidate has left the employ of the participating company. The company must contact the CPA for procedural instructions. The original candidate’s  Study Guide must be retained, as it will be transferred to the replacement candidate. A CDN $50 transfer fee will apply. 

Register for the POP – Parking Operations Primer Training