Parking Management Certification



The Canadian Parking Association’s Management Training and Certification

The Parking Management Certification program (PMC) addresses the training needs of management teams and front-line supervisors who oversee parking operations.
This program sets performance and service standards at the point where the parking operation, technology, mobility, and the customer meet. The PMC credential is the standard by which performance can be measured.


Recognized as the benchmark for supervisory and management level employees in the Canadian parking industry, the program offers candidates a comprehensive study program that includes relevant and essential aspects of a standard parking operation.

The course is designed for quality and fairness in assessing the skill set for the industry and may be used by employers to evaluate candidates during the hiring processes.

Development Of The Certification Program

The study materials and examination outline contain information fundamental to the defined roles and responsibilities of parking managers. Content has been compiled from a cross-section of parking professionals from Canada and has been updated to include current information relative to today’s parking industry.

Course Materials

Study materials will be provided in a password-protected PDF format.  Copying or reproducing the material, or taking any action to reveal the contents of the examination in whole or in part is prohibited.

Course Content
  • OPERATIONS: Types, Design, Regulations, Loss Prevention, Equipment/Systems/Technology, Safety
  • REVENUE CONTROL: Accounting, Auditing

The Examination

The computerized PMC examination is composed of 150 four-option multiple-choice questions and is administered during a 3-hour testing session held in close proximity to the candidate’s home or workplace.

Former CCPFM Graduates

Holders of current CCPFM designation will be offered a discounted fee to study the revised materials and retake the examination. If certification has lapsed, full fees will apply.

Parking Industry Credential

The Canadian Parking Association, as the national authority for the industry in Canada, has the authority to grant or rescind the use of the professional designation of Parking Management Certification “PMC” to candidates who successfully complete the program.



Candidates who pass the exam will receive a certificate suitable for framing and can use the title of “PMC” as a professional designation. Certification will remain valid for a period of three years.


Please contact CPA in writing if you wish to make a comment concerning the test administration process or on a particular test question for which you wish a written response. You should provide your name, address, PIN number and test date, along with your particular comment. Your letter will be researched and addressed accordingly.


After a period of three years, a certificate holder will be required to recertify. This is achieved through continuing education and participating in related CPA activities in the three-year period following certification and can be accomplished by completing any combination of the following activities and earning three points. Payment of a recertification fee is required, and candidates will be recertified for another three-year period.

2 Points each:
  • Write and have your article published in The Parker
  • Be a speaker at the Annual Conference & Trade Show (includes 1 point for attending)
1 Point each:
  • Attend the Annual Conference & Trade Show as a full delegate
  • Conduct a Parking Professional Primer (PPP) training session with your staff
  • Present/facilitate a session at a Chapter meeting
  • Participate in a virtual roundtable meeting (sector meetings or Curbside Chat)
1/2 Point each:
  • Participate in a District Chapter meeting
  • Recruit a new member to the CPA
  • Submit a nomination for the annual Canadian Parking Association Awards program
  • Renew your CPA membership each year (1/2 point per year)

Fees for Taking the Examination

Once payment has been received by the Canadian Parking Association, applicants will be enrolled and study materials will be provided in a password-protected PDF format along with a Letter of Enrolment confirming the start date and last date for examination to be scheduled.

Member employers may purchase a copy of the Course Material to assess the suitability of the content for their employees prior to registering the individuals.  Fee is non-refundable and does not include an examination option.  Reproduction of the course materials in any form is prohibited.



Enrolment Fees: $750
(includes Course materials and one test fee)

Retake Fees: $500

Refunds: $350 (conditions apply)

Re-certification: $200

Fees for Extension: 25% of Course Registration Fee Paid

Employers: $1,000 



Enrolment Fees: $1,150
(includes Course materials and one test fee)

Retake Fees: $750

Refunds: n/a

Re-certification: $300

Fees for Extension: 25% of Course Registration Fee Paid

Employers: n/a

Register for the PMC – Parking Management Certification Program



The computerized PMC examination is composed of 150 four-option multiple-choice questions and is administered during a 3-hour testing session.  A paper and pencil test may be administered in extreme circumstances upon request.  A grade of 70% or higher must be achieved in order to use the professional designation of PMC.     


The CPA will arrange and book the services of a local community college, university, or bona fide testing centre to assist with the administration and invigilation of the exam in a location that is in close proximity to the student’s home or workplace.  Wherever possible, if more than one student is enrolled in the program, combined exam sittings will be arranged.  In some cases, the student(s) will be asked to work with the CPA to search for a suitable site and/or proctor to supervise the writing of the exam.


Copying, reproducing, or taking any action to reveal the contents of an examination in whole or in part is prohibited.

Any irregularity such as an act of impersonation, creating disturbance, giving or receiving unauthorized information or aid to other candidates, attempting to remove test information by any means, possession of unauthorized notes or equipment may be sufficient cause for you to be asked to leave the examination room. Irregularities may be identified by observation or suspicion by the examination proctors or may be evidenced by subsequent statistical analysis of testing materials. All such irregularities will be considered grounds for disqualification, removal from the test site and forfeiture of all fees.

Notebooks, laptop computers, cell phones, magazines, reference materials, backpacks, briefcases, etc., are not permitted in the examination room. The CPA will not be responsible for the security of these items.

Each incident of misconduct or irregularity will be reported, and the CPA will hold the responsibility for the final decision on score invalidation or cancellation.


You should arrive at the assigned test site 30 minutes prior to your scheduled examination. Examinations already in session will not be disturbed for candidates who arrive after the start time and if you fail to appear on time, you may forfeit your fees. To be admitted you will need your Authorization Letter that includes your unique PIN number and photo identification with signature. If you are not admitted due to lack of proper identification, you may also forfeit your fees.

The examination is closed book. You will be provided with note paper to use during the examination. This will be collected prior to your leaving the test centre. You may bring a silent, simple (i.e. four-function) calculator. Programmable and text calculators will not be permitted.


Examination questions are multiple-choice with one correct answer and three incorrect responses (distractors). Your score will be based on the number of questions you answer correctly. There is no penalty for guessing. Candidates must achieve a scaled score of 70 to pass the examination.

If you have passed the examination, your score report will indicate a “Pass”. Numerical scores will not be reported in order to evaluate candidates on a common and consistent scale range. If you have failed the examination, your score report will indicate a “Fail”. You may request a summary of your test scores by Course Content Area to determine areas of strength and weakness.


Candidates who receive a failing grade may apply to retake the examination. A retake fee is applicable. Retake exams must be scheduled within two months of the previous exam date. Candidates will not receive another Study Guide but will receive a confirmation admission letter from CPA re-instating their eligibility to write the examination. Candidates are not limited on the number of times that they may apply for and take the examination.



Candidates who wish to reschedule an examination that has already been booked must notify the CPA at least two weeks prior to the scheduled test date. If your scheduled test date is within this two-week window, you may not have the opportunity to reschedule due to the availability of the test site and proctor.

You will forfeit all examination fees if you do not appear for your scheduled examination or if you are not admitted due to lack of proper photo/signature identification.


If a candidate is unable to test within this six-month eligibility period, the candidate must give reasonable notice to the CPA prior to the elapsed six-month time frame. The candidate must provide documentation indicating why testing cannot take place within the allotted time frame. There will be a 25% penalty assessed and the eligibility period will be extended only once for a three-month period. Extensions will not be granted if the request is made within 5 working days of the expiry date. All fees will be forfeited, and applicants will be required to re-register at the full cost of the program.


Member candidates wishing to withdraw from the program may do so. Requests for withdrawal must be made in writing and must be received at the CPA office postmarked within 30 days of the date on the Authorization Letter. There is a non-refundable administrative fee for withdrawal. Cancellation of applications after the scheduled examination date will result in forfeiture of the entire application fee.

Refunds are not granted to candidates who have written and failed the examination; who schedule an examination and then withdraw from the examination process; who have failed to test within the six-month window; who have failed to reschedule their examination within the appropriate timeframe; or who have failed to appear or were not admitted for testing.

Applications are not transferable. Once earned, the professional designation will remain with the individual candidate, and is subject to renewal as described in the Recertification section.


If the CPA must cancel or delay an examination, you will be notified and rescheduled at no additional cost. However, given the difficulties in canceling and rescheduling an examination site and proctor, this decision is rarely made.