About the CPA


Connecting Parking and Mobility Professionals in Canada

Members representing the numerous geographic regions across Canada, as well as a variety of functional areas have evolved the Canadian parking industry to a critical component of vibrant communities through professional development, networking, collaboration and advancement of technology. The collective efforts of the membership and volunteer directors over the past three decades have resulted in making CPA members vital to the success of the communities we serve.

Member Testimonials

As a newcomer to the industry, the CPA has been a wonderful source of contacts and information, particularly the opportunity to develop relationships and share information in person and at the conferences.
Cathy PalmerCity of Vancouver
The value of a CPA membership is “Huge.” There are advantages of being able to learn from fellow CPA members. It’s all about networking and learning about best practices. You can’t get this knowledge and experience if you don’t visit the conferences and talk to your peers.
Tyler StangierWest Coast Express
The CPA is an information resource for its members, among other things. If someone requires our services, they’d look within the association first to find a vendor. Canada Ticket has gained a large number of customers thanks to its CPA membership.
Steve WengrowichCanada Ticket Inc.
The networking opportunities are second to none. The members are a great resource. There’s always someone willing to share experiences, and the conferences are very useful. You learn a lot and you meet pretty much everybody in the industry, which is important. It’s a very inclusive organization and I credit the CPA for its constant improvement efforts through annual feedback surveys and listening to its members.
Sylvie MercierRead Jones Christoffersen Ltd.

Membership Benefits

Why Join?

The need for public parking continues to diversify. With these developments comes new challenges and issues for the parking industry. Membership in the Canadian Parking Association gives you current information on Canadian issues such as: advancement in technology, insurance regulations, revenue control, facility maintenance, transportation demand management (TDM), planning, taxes, parking rates, and more.

Membership in the Canadian Parking Association can help parking professionals be better equipped and prepared to deal with current issues. Through networking with other professionals in the industry, having access to training specific to the parking industry, and participation in image enhancing programs, your membership will ensure that you are up to date with the ever-changing parking industry.

Benefits of membership include, but are not limited to professional development, networking opportunities, and resource materials.  The association is carefully structured to include both the private and public sectors with members from municipalities, hospitals, universities, airports, public parking companies, suppliers, and consultants. The CPA’s pledge is to keep its members abreast of the changes and advancements in the parking industry.

The Parker, a bilingual quarterly magazine, provides insight into the industry’s activities. Featured articles written by the experts cover every subject related to parking. Get to know other parking professionals through the industry news items, professional achievements and new appointments, and follow the activities of the Board of Directors and the local chapters in each issue.

Suppliers of equipment and services can reach their target market through the many advertising opportunities offered by the association. A Conference and Trade Show is held annually in a major Canadian city. The show has come to be known as the largest and most important parking event in Canada.

District Chapters offer regional meetings to discuss topical issues throughout the year. Local participants come from all sectors to share experiences, insights and to discuss local issues. CPA membership is encouraged but not required to attend a local chapter meeting.

Networking Opportunities

One of the greatest benefits of industry associations is meeting other people in your profession. The CPA offers excellent opportunities to network with the people who can relate to your issues and provide insight into their own operations, where possible solutions are developed or shared.

The Canadian Parking Association supports the following parking-related events and encourages members and non-members to participate in as many events as possible to keep ahead of changes to the parking industry.

Application for Membership

Complete and submit your application online.
Membership categories and associated fees are detailed on the Membership Applications.

Telephone: 613-727-0700  |  Fax: 613-727-3183  |  E-mail: info@canadianparking.ca

Become a member. Connect with dedicated parking and mobility professionals and access technical information specific to these industries.