Scholarship 2020 Update – COVID-19

Update on new accommodations for scholarship applicants 

As communities and universities across Canada respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scholarship Partners Canada is committed to ensuring scholarship applicants have the support they need to weather the impacts of these unprecedented events.

Students face new logistical challenges as universities transition to online instruction, on-campus student services transition to alternative delivery forms, and increasing numbers of university staff and faculty members transition to work-from-home arrangements. In response to these challenges, Scholarship Partners Canada has relaxed application requirements, including by:

  • Accepting unofficial transcripts, bearing the student’s name and date, from student accounts where official transcripts are not available; and
  • Accepting reference letters with referee contact information and/or digital signatures in place of original signed letters.

These accommodations will help ease the scholarship application process at a time when students need our support more than ever. We will continue to monitor the situation and remain flexible as we support our clients and students through this rapidly evolving situation.


Link to Nouvelles dispositions pour accommoder les candidats aux bourses d’études  


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